How do we ensure the

Safety of Your Assets?


Dedicated Anti-fraud Team

We work 24/7 to protect your account and money from even the most sophisticated fraud cases.

Secure Transactions

Secure Transactions

We use two-step authentication (2FA) to protect your account and transactions. An extra layer of security to keep your money safe. We use two-step verification whenever we need to confirm it's really you.

Real-time Notification

Real-time Notification

Every time you top up your wallet or spend money with PiggyPay, you will receive instant email notifications.

24/7 Security

24/7 Security

Our security team constantly monitors any anomalies and tracks the latest attack vectors to keep your data and money safe. We conduct regular vulnerability scans and use independent auditors for internal and external penetration tests and other security scans.

Secure Communication

Secure Communication

Phishing is a simple, yet effective form of internet fraud where scammers convince you to hand over your personal information by posing as a legitimate and trustworthy company, usually via email. If you have received a potential phishing email or come across a phishing site, please let us know!

Contact Customer Support

Any questions? Our team is ready to help you.

Email: [email protected]
